Thanks for the tips to enjoy Prague. All the advices were very handy,
especially the one with warm clothes. It was very cold, humid and rainy. Prague
needs another visit all by herself. It was too beautiful and too little time to
see everything. However, that is a perfect excuse to come back to visit this
marvelous city. We will try to go with the boys in a near future.
Our trip to Marienbab, Ckyne, Platz and Buhomilice, was a very special
one. We felt since the first moment right at home and never alone. For some
reason I was confident enough where I was heading, and what to look for… I was
in peace, and in a mission. Never felt that the language was a barrier. I knew
perfectly well that when I asked for directions, even though I did not speak
Czech, I was going to get the right help. The feeling and the conviction that I
had so many Fantes ancestors behind my back were a constant in our trip. And we
were right. All the addresses were understood, all the places waiting to be
discovered for us. It was a wonderful feeling that danced all the time in our
All the places were beautiful, but the one I considered the high point
was without any questions the Ckyne cemetery.
was so peaceful, so marvelous. I never thought I could feel so good and in peace
in such a place. Knowing that all those Fantes generations were resting there,
and feeling that they were not forgotten, that the same blood, centuries later
came only with the purpose of meeting them…
It was a powerful moment. Francisco was very excited, the experience was
overwhelming. So many warm feelings… How did they look?, how could we help
them now?, how could we show them all the respect and admiration in such a
little time? And Jacob?, the patriarch, where is he?. Could we find him there?.
Picture here, picture there… Can he send me a sign?. Well, I did not get it at
that moment, but as I told you before I felt in direct connection with them. I
know that we will know… When? I do not know. In the meanwhile, when we
download the pictures in our computer, something strange occurred. All but one
picture from around 300 has something peculiar.
One of the Ckyne cemetery, one that I took while Francisco was searching for
him, and that showed an almost completely view of all the cemetery. That
picture, need to be examined more careful, more in detail for our dear friend
Achab. In the photo, you could see two red lights in two different places. Yes,
maybe was the light of the sun at that moment in the cemetery, maybe a
fingerprint of one of my thumb, maybe is nothing… But it puzzles me that only
in that picture of a package of almost 300 that problem aroused.
The trip to those little villages and small towns were wonderful. We felt that
after all what they went throughout all those centuries, after living, surviving
cruel laws, dying in the way they did in the concentration camps, almost
disappearing of the face of the earth, and even profaned by the nazis the places
of their eternal rest; they now can rest in peace. We feel compelled to help, to
restore, to rebuild… and nothing better to restart with our own surviving
To let them know how lucky we are to still be together and in contact with each
other. To make sure that our sons and future families know who we are, and where
we came from. We belong, we have roots, and we are proud of those seeds. Without
them, my husband, nor my sons would have been here in this world.
Lourdes Fantes
Cemetery Covered in Snow"
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